Magic 8 - Ask me a question and receive your answer instantly

Magic 8 Ball : Mattel Games More Magic, More Fun! Peer into the future with Magic 8 Ball novelty toys, which provide hours of fortune-telling fun and intrigue for kids and adults. Start by “asking the ball” any yes or no question, then turn it over to see your answer revealed in the window. Magic 8-Ball Magic 8-Ball Magic 8 Ball (2018) - IMDb Aug 20, 2018 Magic 8 Ball Game - Play online at

Is A Magic 8-Ball Real? - Snippets

Magic 8 Ball (2018) - IMDb Aug 20, 2018

Magic 8 Ball : Mattel Games

magical powers of the Online Magic Eight Ball are in no way meant to imply or insinuate that this program is in fact a supernatural oracle, and the author and publisher of this program will not be liable for poor lifestyle choices or snap decisions based on the advice of … Osric's Magic Eight Ball The resposes are the actual responses from a real Magic Eight Ball located on the dark side of the moon we never see. When you request a response, moon-men turn the Magic Eight Ball, type your response into a TRS-80, and it is transmitted to your computer screen via satellite broadcast. Welcome to Ask 8-Ball, The Ultimate Online Oracle This web page simulates the famous "Magic Eight Ball" toy, a registered trademark of Mattel Inc. The "Magic Eight Ball" trademark and various 8-Ball answers are used without permission of Mattel Inc. Mattel Inc. is neither affiliated with this site, nor with authors of this site. By using this oracle you agree that your doing so at your own risk.