GUI Java: LimeChat: Satoshi Nakagawa Free software: GPL: GUI RubyCocoa (2007–2010) Objective-C (2010–) Linkinus: Conceited Software Commercial, 15-day trial Proprietary: GUI Objective-C: Mibbit: Jimmy Moore Textual Adbar: Proprietary: Web: JavaScript frontend, Java backend mIRC: Khaled Mardam-Bey Shareware, 30-day trial: Proprietary: GUI C/C++

GitHub - olg/objc-s3: S3 Browser is a Mac OS X GUI browser S3 Browser is a Mac OS X GUI browser for the Amazon S3 storage service. - olg/objc-s3. S3 Browser is a Mac OS X GUI browser for the Amazon S3 storage service. but also to provide example code showing how to access S3 through the REST API in a OS X Objective-C client application, on top of OS X technologies (Keychain, URL loading system Objective-C Classes & Objects - Tutorialspoint In Objective-C, all classes are derived from the base class called NSObject. It is the superclass of all Objective-C classes. It provides basic methods like memory allocation and initialization. For example, we defined the Box data type using the keyword class as follows Popular Objective-C l gui golang Projects - Discover open source packages, modules and frameworks you can use in your code.

Sep 12, 2012 · Compiling Objective-C without a GUI. I have very recently got a Mac Mini and obviously looked into Objective-C. I’m quite intrigued by the language and it’s quite useful to learn, yet I’m not a fan of the Mac, nor am I a fan of the GUI, so the first thing I wanted to know is how to compile Objective C without XCode and/or without a Mac.

GObject - Wikipedia GObject Introspection. GObject introspection is a middleware layer between C libraries (using GObject) and language bindings, cf. List of language bindings for GTK.; History. Depending only on GLib and libc, GObject is a cornerstone of GNOME and is used throughout GTK, Pango, ATK, and most higher-level GNOME libraries like GStreamer and applications. Prior to GTK+ 2.0, code similar to GObject

Dec 24, 2012 · Most other GUI libraries have similar design issues. GUI development on C++ has never been particularly well sorted out. If you are developing for OS X only, you are probably best off learning Objective-C for the GUI, even if the rest of the code is in C++.

GUI programming with objective-c on Windows? - Stack Overflow