Once little more than a glorified porn filter, China's 'Great Firewall' has evolved into the most sophisticated system of online censorship in the world. As the Chinese internet grows and online businesses thrive, speech is controlled, dissent quashed, and attempts to organise outside the official Communist Party are quickly stamped out.

The now (in)famous “Great Firewall” was eventually created as a mechanism to restrict access or censor information that the CCP deems sensitive or inappropriate—like the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989. The system also blocks thousands of websites, Google searches, and IP addresses. Continue reading…. Great Firewall of China Test Check any website from multiple locations in China to see if it is blocked by the Great Firewall of China in real time. Powered by ViewDNS.info . 2 days ago · Skirting the Great Firewall through connection services such as virtual private networks (VPNs) is illegal in China without a licence, and only a handful of VPN providers are permitted to operate. The great firewall of China is a censorship system run by China’s government to filter any information that is considered sensitive to the government. This system has been involved in major blockade of internet relays thus preventing the public from gaining access to some particular crucial information. 'The Great Firewall of China is a riveting read, revealing the questionable acts of states and corporations as they vie to shape the internet to their own ends. And Griffiths has an eye for the detail that brings anecdotes to life. The Great Firewall in China is a hot button subject that unites the most hawkish and militarist forces of the state with the so-called U.S. left. China’s legal exclusion of Google, Facebook, and other American corporate media from acceptable consumption is often viewed as the most obvious example of “authoritarianism.”

Jun 13, 2020 · China news: Zoom users use app as a way around the ‘Great Firewall of China’ ZOOM gained a following in China in recent months as users saw it as a way to connect with the world without state

Jun 27, 2020 · Everyone knows about the Great Firewall of China. The Chinese government restricts certain platforms on the internet and this has lead to numerous claims of censorship. If you know China at all

The now (in)famous “Great Firewall” was eventually created as a mechanism to restrict access or censor information that the CCP deems sensitive or inappropriate—like the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989. The system also blocks thousands of websites, Google searches, and IP addresses. Continue reading….

The newest section of the Great Firewall is a set of regulations enacted Aug. 1 requiring Web publishers to censor their own sites or risk being shut down. Having realized that censoring the millions of Web sites now online is a behemoth task, the government has compelled private Internet service providers, Web publishers and Internet cafe Nov 18, 2019 · What actually is the “Great Firewall of China”? The Great Firewall (GFW) is a powerful and sophisticated censorship tool unlike any the world has seen before. It uses a combination of DNS tampering and IP address blocking to completely seal off access to specific IP addresses.